Are you paying for Trudeau's next vacation?
Are you helping to pay for Trudeau’s next private island vacation?
If you get an employee discount the answer may be yes.
Since January of 2017 the agency for tax collection in Canada has been telling employers that staff discounts are taxable benefits.
Any cash you might have saved from using your employee discount will now appear on your next T4.
Money may already have been taken from your paycheque for income you did not even get.
That is addition to any HST you paid on that purchase.
The Trudeau Liberals didn't think you would notice, but now you know.
Ask your boss.
Trudeau has claimed he didn't mean it.
But instead of changing the law he's holding ‘consultations’.
The only way to protect your money from other sneaky taxes is to help more people learn what is going on.
Please, help me get the word out!